Getting Started in Search Engine Optimisation – Knowing What Your Customers Are Searching

Search engine optimisation Adelaide is a long and tedious process. However, part of the journey is the beginning. So, make sure you start on the right foot of your SEO campaign. In this article, we’re going to show you some SEO tips, particularly how to know what your customers are searching.

The Basics

Rule number one: you can’t optimise your website for the search engine if you have no clue what your target audience is searching. It’s pretty apparent, to be honest. But we want to be as considerate and beginner-friendly as we can. To figure this out, you’ll need to use your logic and common sense here. So, imagine that you run a hotel in Adelaide, Australia. It doesn’t take an SEO guru to guess that your customers are most likely going to be searching for things like:

  • ‘hotels in Adelaide’
  • ‘accommodation in Adelaide’
  • ‘places to stay in Adelaide’

Search Engine Optimisation AdelaideBefore you proceed to do anything else, it’s essential always to consider what your customer might be searching. Once you’ve come up with a handful of phrases, jot them down in a notepad for reference. There’s no reason to escalate things here – a handful of phrases will do. If you’re done, it’s time to start doing some research.

Determine the Most Apparent Way People Search for Your Business

With a record 3.2 billion people using the internet, there will always be people who are looking for your business online. Remember those phrases you jotted down? Those are proof that your customers are searching for your business. But whether the majority of people are using those specific phrases is another story.

The next step in your search engine optimisation Adelaide journey is to figure out the most common ways people are searching for what you do. Again, you can use those ideas that you’ve already listed down to do that. You can start by doing a Google search for one of the phrases on your list. It doesn’t matter how long phrases are, as long as you’ve listed it, people are probably using it as well. Here’s an example of an absurdly long key phrase:

  • “I’m looking for a hotel located in Adelaide Australia please.”

If you search for this now, you will get a bunch of results. However, each website on the first page of the link has a phrase in their title that’s common across all of them: “Adelaide hotels”. This phrase matters. Websites tend to optimise their title tags for SEO as well. That means it’s likely that these have already done their research and found that the phrase “Adelaide hotels” is the most popular way people search for places to stay in Adelaide. However, remember that no matter what you do, you will have no idea what your target audience is doing. You can use it as the main keyword. You can add it to your title tag, on the first paragraph of text, and all the other parts of your website. But that’s not going to be enough. If you want to optimise your website, you’ll need to incorporate a handful of other relevant keywords.

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